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Controlling Emissions from Restaurant and Commercial Cooking Processes Grease Smoke and Odour Control

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In 1974 the Control of Pollution Act was introduced which covered grease and smoke. Under this Act odour was not classed as a nuisance.


The Environmental Protection Act 1990 made it possible for odour from commercial kitchens to be a nuisance in law. Where a local authority feels that a nuisance exists it must serve an abatement notice requiring that the nuisance is remedied.


Whilst existing premises are dealt with via the Environmental Protection Act, applications for new commercial kitchens are dealt with through the planning process. There are different approaches between authorities, but a condition may be applied requesting that odour control measures be agreed with the local authority. Alternately some authorities may require that information is submitted with a planning application.


The Environmental Protection Act applies only to England, Scotland and Wales. In Northern Ireland Statutory nuisance is defined under local Government (NI) Order ’78 / Public Health Ireland Act 1878.


In January 2005 the DEFRA Report – Guidance on the Control of Odour and Noise from Commercial Kitchen Exhaust Systems was published, covering grease filtration and odour control for both new and existing premises. It states that “objectionable and offensive odours can cause significant adverse effects on people’s lives and well being”.



Kitchen Extract Emissions

  • Solutions

    Purified Air offers the following solutions to the problems of grease, smoke and odour in restaurant and commercial kitchens:


    • Electrostatic Precipitation
    • UV-C Technology
    • UV-O Technology
    • Electric Odour Control (ON100 unit)
    • Carbon / Mixed Media Filters
  • Specifying a Control System

    Annex C of the DEFRA Report – Guidance on the Control of Odour and Noise from Commercial Kitchen Exhaust Systems gives guidance on risk assessment for odour.


    In order to specify the correct odour, smoke and grease control system Purified Air ascertains the following:


    1) The amount of air being extracted in cubic metres per second or per hour, or cubic feet per minute or litres per second.

    2) The type of cooking to give an indication of the amount of particulate pollution and also the level of odour produced.

    3) Where the extract will discharge.

  • Why Choose Purified Air

    We have dedicated service teams who cover the whole of the UK for service, repair and commissioning. Three of these teams operate from our Northern Hub, situated on the outskirts of Manchester, to ensure a rapid response to all of our sites across the UK. Purified Air service teams are not general, or catering engineers, they solely maintain and repair commercial kitchen filtration and odour control equipment.


    Our stock is held in our warehouse along with spare and replacement parts which are also held on our engineers vans so that we can repair or replace any unit within the shortest time possible.

Visit www.purifiedair.com for more information

Purified Air

Company Registration No. 1827831 Registered in England Registered Office Address Lyon House, Lyon Road, Romford, Essex RM1 2BG

Contact Info

Purified Air Ltd, Lyon House, Lyon Rd, Romford, ESSEX, RM1 2GB, UK


0800 018 4000


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